Qualified IRA Charitable Distribution

Did you know you can give from your IRA account tax-free to any non-profit organization?

A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) allows individuals who are 70½ years old or older to donate up to $100,000 total to one or more charities directly from a taxable IRA instead of taking their required minimum distributions. As a result, donors may avoid moving into a higher income tax bracket and may prevent phaseouts of other tax deductions.

The IRS requires anyone who has an IRA to begin taking annual distributions once you turn 72, and these are considered taxable personal income. 

Instead, you could use your required distribution to make a tax-free gift directly from your IRA account to YogaCare. Contact your financial advisor and the IRS to learn more about the advantages and implications of this type of giving. 

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Follow these easy steps to make a QCD gift to YogaCare!

  1. Contact your financial advisor today and request to make a "Qualified Charitable Distribution" directly to YogaCare.

  2. Include your name, address, and specify the gift as an "IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution."

  3. Send your gift to: YogaCare 1808 W. Chicago Ave #2R, Chicago, IL 60622 Tax ID = 47-3464400. For electronic transfers, please contact us for our bank account information.